Guest dream by my partner and co-adventurer - The One With The Rabbit Possession
Guen and Greg had been invited to a meeting in a countryside
inn. The building was a squat, two-storey block, whitewashed and set slightly
into a steep hillside in the middle of nothing but farmland. The inside was
over-decorated with chintzy knick-knacks, floral plates and teacups and the
like and filled with the sort of quiet regulars that you might expect in an
out-of-the-way country pub.
The meeting they’d been summoned to was less ordinary. The
Doctor and all of the past and present companions had been invited to council
in the Inn’s saferoom. And some safefroom it was: The mirrored walls were feet
thick and without windows, the door was impenetrable, thick and armed with a
very solid lock. In the centre of the room was a long oval table, around which
were seated many of the companions including Greg and the ninth Doctor
(Christopher Eccleston).
Before the meeting was started, Guen remembered something
she had left in the front rooms of the Inn and went to retrieve it. Almost
immediately after she had left the room one of the companions that she did not
recognise, a good looking, shorter man, with a tanned face and strong black hair
rose and addressed the assembled group.
“I will
now seal the room” – He told them, and the group took their seats so the secret
and protected meeting could begin. But the tanned man stepped out of the room
completely and slammed the door closed.
Watching from a distance, hidden by other inn guests, Guen
watched him lock the door* securely and felt cold dread. The doctor and the
companions were trapped in a cell designed to withstand any attack and their jailer was walking off scott free.
But she didn’t have time to do anything about it right now,
the other inn guests were behaving weirdly. Guen raced back to join a friend
she’d made, a younger blonde girl. Never having been a companion, the girl had
not been in the meeting and was now silent and afraid: The pub goers were possessed
and their behaviour was changing rapidly and becoming more and more hostile.
Guen grabbed her hand and they fled the front rooms.
The pair raced along the balcony that skirted the building,
many, many metres off the ground**. The possessed mob tried to grab at them
through the windows and Guen and the girl fought them off with planks of wood.
Finally, they scrabbled up onto the roof-top garden of the
inn but the horde has found a way up there as well. But, here they changed.
Their attack stopped and, although still trying to nibble and nip the other
girl, they began to attempt to lick Guen on the hands and on the shins.
At this point the tenth Doctor appeared, and seeing through
the change of behaviour of the dangerous guests he said “It’s OK now. They’re
all possessed by the soul of your dead rabbit."
And, with that assurance in mind, Guen woke up.
And, with that assurance in mind, Guen woke up.
*I hope
it was wood – Sonic doesn’t do wood.
**Many, many metres up on a two storey building – Tardis Inn