Hello folks - I'm spending too much time on the track and not enough time dreaming recently, it seems. Luckily, I have friends who do dreaming for me. Here is another Guest Dream, this time from the Nrothern Territory in Australia.
The One With The Sweet Mop Of A Creature:
Legs all a jumble, I'm galavanting through the pricked shrubs of my habitat, navigating my path to a well known water hole like some desperate koala running from a bushfire.
Thirsty, tired and on edge...with fur - a dark muddy mass of lanky legs and nested fur. What am I? I don't know. Some sweet mop of a creature. I have no want for meat. All I can think about is sucking on some chlorophyl. Sucking? I'm not even sure what kind of masticatory apparatus I have.
A chorus of whispering grass and cicadas is loud all around me as I move in an unsuspecting daze. Suddenly, the sky opens blue, the air loses it's whiff of any wet comfort and I see before me a siren red desert landscape with a big black tack of a velodrome left of centre.
The rustling and buzzing stops and is replaced by the wail-like whooshing of white wheels spinning round and round the loop. I'm scared, yet curious. I see Greg atop those wheels - adorned with a pointed black helmet and Lycra from head to toe.
He reminds me of a robotic peddling human cross drone. I can't see his face but really want to. He is oblivious to the sordid meek creature in the bushes. That's all I remember. E.