Tuesday, 30 October 2012


Morning folks, thought I'd just update since it's been *days* since my last missive.

What's new? Now living in Manchester, cycling a lot. Trying, as I was before, to get into the Commonwealth games. Still dreaming the dreams. Still inventing things in my head., but now I get paid to do it.

Vetting happened, I qualified, went to Cornell, studied genetic engineering and proteomics. Came back, did some work as a vet, loved it.

But you can't both cycle and be a vet, so I'm cycling first and vetting second.

In other news, I've released an art book, so if you're in Cambridge, look out for it in all the bookshops there. And I've got an Oxford version of the same on the way.

It's a compilation of a set of photos of Cambridge College Chapels (pretty much does what it says on the tin, really) and has writing by each of the college chaplains and/or deans.

The Oxford Edition is in the works, I have all of the photos, but collecting the writing takes FOREVER.

And now, on, on to greater and greater things.

Undercover Superhero - Fine Art Since 1845 Y'all know what happens if you click on this, right?

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