Monday, 5 November 2012

The One With The Dream...

...was a bit of an Inception style thing.

There's no-one recognisable in this one, so I'll keep it brief, it's a bit dull.

The One With The Dream

So, I was in class. For some reason all of the other students were toddlers. And the Teacher was crying, he seemed really upset.Obviously, after class I followed him from the room to check he was OK, only to find that the door he'd just left through led to a dead end room with three HUGE server towers in it. I wondered why a school with less than 1,000 students needed that much server power. Possibly they were doing some hosing on the side, who knows.

Anyhow, the next day I went to his office to offer an emotional support I could. He invited me in, offered me coffee and we sat on a fawn-coloured set of arm chairs, facing one another. I stated my concerns and he smiled, thanked me for my concern, told me that not only was he not depressed, but he'd not had a class with me yesterday. Then he sat and looked at me as if he was waiting for me to realise something...

...Which slowly, slowly I did. The rest of the class being toddlers? The dead end vanishing trick with the HUGE servers. Absurd! It had been a bloody dream realised I and said as much.

The teacher agreed with me and nodded and I went to get up let him have the rest of his afternoon to himself, but he stopped me with a motion of the hand. I sat back down. I smirked with his own inner-joke and continued looking at me, as if waiting for the penny to drop.

So I thought.

And I thought.

Wait a second...What the hell am I doing in School, didn't I graduate university two years ago? And how did I get in this office, I was in a room with huge servers! I sighed at my own stupidity and saw the twinkly-eyed teacher look at me with amusement as the world dissolved around him...

Undercover Superhero - Fine Art Since 1845

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