Sunday, 16 February 2014

Feb 16th - The Curse of the HDD of DEATH

Hello all, many of you will, by now, have seen me ranting and raving about my laptop having died.

This is, in fact, a lie. The machine is fine. The hard-disk-drive (HDD) is, on the other hand, dead. this I blame partly on the ABSURD levels of humidity out here and mostly on it being a re-jigged PoS fitted on the sly by that has never worked correctly.

Either way, I'm glad I keep backups. However, it does mean that I'm currently not working from my computer to post this, so you may notice a drop in 'blog post quality. Oh, and you don't get any photos. Sorry.

Feb 16th

Feb 15th

Feb 14th

Feb 13th

Feb 12th

Feb 11th

Feb 10th

Feb 9th

Feb 8th

Feb 6th and 7th

Later all. Thanks for sticking with me, there'll be photos next time, I swear.

Undercover Superhero - Fine Art Since 1845

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

The One With The Spectrementors...

So, those of you who are new won't know that this started off as a dream diary back in the day. Not really for anyone's pleasure but my own. Because, lets be honest, other people's dreams are boring. Well, sod the lot of you, this is still *my* blog (ish) and as such is still where I put dreams when I can be arsed to write them up.

The One With The Spectromentors...

...was the first properly scary dream that I've had in MONTHS. I awoke scared literally rigid (no snickering at the back, Bradbury), and as my thalamus slowly gave me back motor control I also tried to get my pulse under control, but it took some time. For the first time since I arrived in Nigeria I felt cold.

I was playing (ie. the dream was from the point of view of) a down-and out, probably ex-drug addict pregnant girl. Maybe 19? 20? Torn and filthy clothes covered, skinny arms and legs topped with tangled and dirty, blonde hair and hollow, but piercingly blue eyes. Very odd thing, playing a member of the opposite sex. Something akin to playing an animal, which has happened before. you end up watching parts of the dream in third person and really struggle to hand on to the first person memories when you wake.

(A Spectromentor - Modified from Joel Adamo)

I had been, for the last few months, pursued from squat house to squat house by these pale ghostly people with white eyes (think half dementor of Azkaban and half spectre of Ci'gazze) who preyed on people that weren't loved or didn't love. They used contact. They had to touch you. And then they sucked out all joy, pride, hope and logic you had managed to save up. They never moved very fast, but the never stopped to sleep, or eat, or rest. They had eventually, after weeks of gliding ever closer, surrounded me in a half burnt out and mouldering house at the top of a deserted hill.

(The house at the top of the hill - modified from Darren Cliff)

As they drifted slowly up the hill I was forced into labour and then as they came through the doors and windows I gave birth (not something that I think I imagined in any way correctly, but I'm a guy, what do I know? There was no baby and then, all of a sudden there was a little slimy, larval human being) and as they came into the room the baby gave its first cry and looked at me. I have never felt so connected to anything. It was imprinting, or instinct, or something. Whatever it was, it was love.

Obviously, instantly the chasers turned around and began to drift away. Finally happy and free after months of persecution I chased them from the house (which was no longer a mouldering ruin and was now decorated in yellows and oranges). But as the last on left through the door, I tried to shove it out.

The ghostly, pale thing spun around, caught me by the wrist, its hand was FREEZING cold. Burning cold. And then reached for the baby. Quick as a flash the thoughts flew through my head unbidden: Don't hurt the baby! If there's no baby, there's no-one for me to love, if there's no-one for me to love you'll chase me again! Instantly, I know that loving someone for a reason isn't love. I knew that not only was I doomed, but that I was a fraud, a disgrace to parenthood and I deserved to have my soul ripped out through my heart. They started drifting back in through the walls and floor this time. 

And unable to think my way out of it, I checked out.

Undercover Superhero - Fine Art Since 1845

Friday, 7 February 2014

Feb 6th and Rhoko, forest of WONDER!

So, I appreciate that when I called the last post Jan 29th AND preceding, many of you will have assumed that the 29th was going to be there. Well, I like to keep you on your toes. That and I'm a moron.

With no further ado (remember that clicking gives you a larger photo and if you want full size, just ask):

Feb 06

et votre photo - A harvestman under flash and then under UV.

Feb 05

And an image of me making puzzle feeders and the resulting feeders

Feb 04

And an picture: GIF of colour-changing algae viewed from SLIGHTLY different angles.

Feb 03

With photos of local poisonous grasshoppers...

Feb 02

And a photograph - These are my patients, in their enclosure.

Feb 01

 - Redacted by censors -   -(can tell you that there was a cute drawing of an owl)-

Telling a thousand words - This one is a parasitic flower. no leaves. And a stalk-eyed fly. Which is exactly what it sounds like.

Jan 31 - Partially redacted by censors -

With illustrations...

Jan 30

Avec phote. - A moth taken out by, possibly, Cordiceps?

And the elusive Jan 29

With its customary photo - Rainproof termite mound and a ManU/Christian/oil tanker - Both very common in Nigeria.

Undercover Superhero - Fine Art Since 1845