Friday, 7 February 2014

Feb 6th and Rhoko, forest of WONDER!

So, I appreciate that when I called the last post Jan 29th AND preceding, many of you will have assumed that the 29th was going to be there. Well, I like to keep you on your toes. That and I'm a moron.

With no further ado (remember that clicking gives you a larger photo and if you want full size, just ask):

Feb 06

et votre photo - A harvestman under flash and then under UV.

Feb 05

And an image of me making puzzle feeders and the resulting feeders

Feb 04

And an picture: GIF of colour-changing algae viewed from SLIGHTLY different angles.

Feb 03

With photos of local poisonous grasshoppers...

Feb 02

And a photograph - These are my patients, in their enclosure.

Feb 01

 - Redacted by censors -   -(can tell you that there was a cute drawing of an owl)-

Telling a thousand words - This one is a parasitic flower. no leaves. And a stalk-eyed fly. Which is exactly what it sounds like.

Jan 31 - Partially redacted by censors -

With illustrations...

Jan 30

Avec phote. - A moth taken out by, possibly, Cordiceps?

And the elusive Jan 29

With its customary photo - Rainproof termite mound and a ManU/Christian/oil tanker - Both very common in Nigeria.

Undercover Superhero - Fine Art Since 1845


Unknown said...

The Jungle sounds and looks amazing, loving the UV harvestman and also the puzzle feeders, it looks like you are creating woodwind instruments for a monkey band.
I bet it sounds amazing at night.
would be fun to come and explore with you.
- Chris

Adele Kirby said...

Looks like you're in your element, Man of the Forest. Keep updating and did the locals respond better to your puzzle feeders than my Tigger?