Saturday, 31 May 2014

May 30th - Revengue of the Dengue

So, I was all better, right? Right!

And I was fully over my Dengue and had cleared it from my system, right? Right!

And I was immune from Dengue now, right? WRONG.

The second one, apparently is the one that tends to kill you.That was a very interesting few days.

But now: BUGS! And also frogs.

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I saw this poster hanging by the Market:

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And this is just to prove to Em and Han that I haven't lost my touch:

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May 22nd

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Potto wonders "Do I have odd hands?"

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Answer: Yes.

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May 23rd

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May 24th

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Us dining on *delicious* sludge with bone chips. Mmmmmmm.

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May 25th

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Night Photos w/ Ashton.

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Battery is for scale, I'm not trying to give it to the millipede.

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May 26th

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Ashton. Trying to find the ON button.

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Amazing hairy hunting spider origami master:

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I...just...what? Amazing.

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Tree ant. Also, bunking off school as you can see.

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May 27th

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Ha ha ha. NO.

May 29th

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May 29th Part 2.

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May 30th

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Aaaaaand, I'm done. Later y'all.

Undercover Superhero - Fine Art Since 1845

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