Saturday, 22 March 2014

March 22nd - The Rumble in the Jungle...

...By which I mean thunder in the rainforest.

The Dry-Season is totally buggered. Which is interesting because it doesn't normally fall apart until the end of April or beginning of May. But we've had a thunderstorm every day for the past...4? 5? One of the ones while I was last in the jungle had an average lightning-strike-rate of well over 60spm. Which is just MENTAL.

Ok. You're not here for meteorology. That's fine. I get it. You only love me for my monkeys.

March 15th

And a quick illustration of Nigeria's tech-killing ability. None of these work. I'm not sure why the charity for which I work keeps them. Possibly as talismans? Talismen?

March 16th

Want to do a spot of fishing down-steam of the chemical plant, Matthew? Damned good idea, Paul! Don't mind if we do.

March 17th

The Nigerian Military Patrolling the river. They get shot at a lot. Occasionally by the police.

March 18th

Really felt like climbing to the top, out of sight, and spending the day here.

March 19th

Healthy food for healthy living!!! And a competition Guen could have won.

March 20th -WOT? CENSORSHIP? THIS SHALL NOT STAND...OH? Oh it shall? Fine.

This is the centre of Calabar. Note that it is exactly the same as any rural village, apart from concrete replaces mud for wall material. And apparently they have Sky. Also, on the equator, why don't Sky dishes point straight up?

March 21st

Oh, yeah, also, while walking along I saw that the ground was strewn with MASSIVE caterpillar droppings. (One can tell that they come from a caterpillar on account of their snowflake shaped cross section. The more you know...). The tree tops were too high above to see any animal life, but I did find this in a nearby gutter. Bloody thing was like a three-inch, spiky tank.

March 22nd

Also, I spent a good twenty minutes, a couple of days ago, trying to get a good picture of this kingfisher. Failed, but it did leave me something for my trouble.

Cool, eh? That, my friends, is Halcyon senegalensis.

Undercover Superhero - Fine Art Since 1845

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