Friday, 18 April 2014

April 18th - Things start to heat up...

Howdy y'all!

If that's a contraction of "how d'you do", then should it finish in a question mark?

Hmm. Interesting.

Also, this has been puzzling me for a while, if you pre-bend a piece of homogenous material, say glass, so that when gripped from one end at constant gravity, it's a straight line, is the pre-bend a Fibonacci spiral?

And my third question, this one for ten points, when is Nigeria going to "kick-off"? Within or not within the next six months is my personal time frame. I have never, apart from the US, seen a less sustainable country, and the US seems to get away with it by personally acknowledging that they're ridiculous. Nigeria has no such self-awareness and, hence, bits of the UK government's Nigeria Map, keep going red.

Interestingly, I don't think it'll affect the monkey conservation programs too much. The people, yes, the programs, possibly not. We shall see.

So: news:

Apr 11

Apr 12

Nigeria's version of this:

Apr 13

Someone trying to help me out with my leg:

Apr 14

One of the things I saw on the road. That, my friends, is INEFFICIENT in terms of aerodynamics, but very efficient in terms of wheels per unit load.

Apr 15

Antlions making the dust at the hospital look like the surface of Mars:

Apr 16

Saw these fruit on a tree with flowers that looked like strawberries. Obviously that caught my attention:

Turns out, I think, that the flower is a two parter. It's a PROPERLY bizarre system.

Apr 17

The local people able to snaffle cheap cement from the factory know JUST how to use it:

Apr 18

And a spikey spider, because, as we all know, I go a little bit mad if I don't get to take pic of bugs.
God I miss my big camera sometimes. :(

Undercover Superhero - Fine Art Since 1845

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish the oil palm plantations had been a horrible dream instead, that would have been nice to wake up from and come back to a sensible reality..
Other wise another great Blog Post!